“cultural aareness“ as first&nsed by r.&n at the&nnd advanced sear&nn&ncial and&ny&nrganized by the &nical&ngy&nf&n university 1997. the&nse &n&nnd&n the evitnt&nf&nn. the &n&nlve the&nnship ple.
the&ncalled cultural aareness ans that&nple&n a certa cultural and&nrical circle&ne&nf its culture, and have a full &n&nf its&npnt and future. &nther&nrds, it is cultural selfaareness, &nn, and&nn.“
r. &nnce said: cultural aareness is an&n&ncess.&nnly&n&nne's&nn culture and &n&n the frastructure&nf ultiple cultures can &nnditions estane's&nn&nn this&n ulticultural&nrld. after dependent&nn, e &nrk &nther cultures&n learn&n &nther's&nths, &ntly establish a &nrder &nnized by &nther and a &nf prciples&nf&nexistence hich ultiple cultures &nexist peacefully, express their&nths,&her.
and e are here at the sear&nn&nrate cultural aareness and entrepreneurial&ncial&nnsibility...