健身房的爱(一)(3 / 4)

but &nesn't&np the pa 但哪能消解心中愁闷

if i &nu &n never 倘若此生不能相见< can e &nrever 何能誓说海枯石烂

herever&nu&n 任凭天涯海角

hatever&nu&n 任凭天马行空

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 此生为你守候

hatever it takes 莫道付出天大代价

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 为你此地守候

i hear the&nhter i taste the tears 我内心窃喜

but i & &nu&n 我孤芳自赏

herever&nu&n 凭天涯海角

hatever&nu&n 任凭天马行空

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 此生为你守候

hatever it takes 莫道付出天大代价

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 为你此地守候

this&nance 这种浪漫

but the end if i' &nu 但倘若有一天能回到你身边

i'll take the chance 我会奋不顾身

herever&nu&n 任凭天涯海角

hatever&nu&n 任凭天马行空

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 此生为你守候

hatever it takes 莫道付出天大代价

i ill &nht here&n&nr&nu 为你此地守候<&nr&nu 为你守候





